Author Topic: Embedding Youtube or Vimeo videos in posts  (Read 10625 times)

Offline arnoldb

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Embedding Youtube or Vimeo videos in posts
« on: April 19, 2014, 03:48:36 PM »
Changes have been made to the forum software to make it easier to embed Youtube videos in posts, and support for embedding Vimeo videos has also been added.

You can now simply copy and paste the URL to your video in the text of your post, and the video will be automatically embedded, without the need to do anything else.  For example, if you paste the url below directly into your post
Code: [Select]
the video will show in-line like below:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

It's not necessary to add the youtube tags using the command button any more.  These are still active to prevent older posts with embedded videos from breaking.
The changes also cater for most - if not all - of the different styles of youtube URLs.  Vimeo URLs are not as diverse.

The following styles of embedding and URL types have been tested to work with Youtube:
Code: [Select]

Embedded Code:

And new for Vimeo:
Code: [Select]

If you experience problems with the above, please post those to the Suggestion Box

Kind regards, Arnold
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Procrastination is nearly the same, but it precludes machining.
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