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Restoration of Model Engines / Re: Project Centaur
« Last post by crueby on Today at 07:56:30 PM »
You are sure learning a lot on these projects! Love seeing the group pitch in with help like this!
Restoration of Model Engines / Re: Project Centaur
« Last post by redhouseluv on Today at 07:31:51 PM »
One valve seat cutter ready for use - that was a quite a process, it'll be great to see the results tomorrow
Your Own Design / Re: Ohio Locomotive Crane
« Last post by Kim on Today at 07:22:06 PM »
Beautiful looking gears, Chris!  :popcorn:

That's a LOT of teeth you cut there.  It takes a lot of concentration to get those gears to come out right.  Nicely done!

From Kits/Castings / Re: Another ME Beam steam engine.
« Last post by scc on Today at 07:13:04 PM »
Good  :ThumbsUp: :ThumbsUp:
From Kits/Castings / Re: Another ME Beam steam engine.
« Last post by Michael S. on Today at 07:08:19 PM »
Today I attached the crank to the crankshaft with a wedge.
The frame for the regulator is screwed into the new position.
Both gears were connected and I separated them. The bevel gear is also in position and drives the governor shaft.
The large gear has no spokes. I'm thinking about sawing out spokes.

Greetings Michael
Restoration of Model Engines / Re: Project Centaur
« Last post by redhouseluv on Today at 06:26:06 PM »
Thanks  - I'm nearly there

fingers have worn away  ;D but now have cut away 4 x sections on each flute behind the cutting edge leaving a raised section 0.016" thick - quite surprised how thin it is.

That's a good point will I have to grind the valves after cutting and I remember on another one of my threads not to use automotive paste but to get some grit and mix with oil
Your Own Design / Re: Ohio Locomotive Crane
« Last post by crueby on Today at 06:20:09 PM »
For those who may be interested, attached is a copy of the little spreadsheet I use to make the rotary table charts of moves for any given number of teeth. This spreadsheet assumes 5 degrees per handwheel full turn, with the handwheel subdivided into 50 division ticks. If you dont have a rotary table with that setup, then you would need to go in and modify all the formulas on the page. The upper left corner has a yellow box that you type the number of teeth into, and it populates the rest of the fields from that. In the output table it shows, all you need is the section from the first line down to the next place it displays a zero, it just repeats from there. I take that and print it out, put it next to the mill, and mark off each cut as its made. Very handy for my setup.
Chris :cheers: :cheers:
Restoration of Model Engines / Re: Project Centaur
« Last post by Jasonb on Today at 06:17:54 PM »
Yes I would loctite it in place as you don't want it moving after cutting the set.

I'd run it slowly in the mill 100rpm or so which should not cause chatter also more chance of keeping it vertical. If it were just for grinding the seat you could do it by hand but you are actualy wanting to cut metal.
Your Own Design / Re: Ohio Locomotive Crane
« Last post by cnr6400 on Today at 05:59:45 PM »
 :ThumbsUp: :ThumbsUp: :ThumbsUp: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: Great looking gears Chris. Look forward to see the spokes come out of hiding in the brass solid gold.  :Lol:
Your Own Design / Re: Ohio Locomotive Crane
« Last post by crueby on Today at 05:49:33 PM »
:ThumbsUp: :popcorn:

That's a lot of gear teeth! Do you use a spreadsheet or chart to keep track of the rotary table settings?

Yup, years ago I  set up a spreadsheet to calculate the rotary table moves, based on number of teeth and the 5 degree per full handwheel revolution on the rotab. I use the Gearotic Motion 2 app to work out the gear diameters and spacings, that could also be done in a spreadsheet but the app was free and does those calculations  already.
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