Vehicles & Models / OKMO Microcosm Model M31 Vertical Steam Engine Single Cylinder with DIY Mods
« Last post by Jim on Today at 01:03:50 AM »OKMO Microcosm Model M31 Vertical Steam Engine Single Cylinder
First run on live steam of this beautiful brass casted vertical steam engine. Really happy with DIY Modifications that I did and the two timber plinths. Made lots of items using my metal lathe and milling machine. The condenser pot was made using three copper plumbing items cut down on the bandsaw, turned on the lathe and drilling and tapping on the milling machine. The inline lubricator needed a complete rebuild and needed to be silver brazed back together. Not sure if the lubricator was made by Stuarts in the U.K or not, I made a new screw top for it and knurled it and put an Australian Miniature Steam Models MSM turn wheel on.
First run on live steam of this beautiful brass casted vertical steam engine. Really happy with DIY Modifications that I did and the two timber plinths. Made lots of items using my metal lathe and milling machine. The condenser pot was made using three copper plumbing items cut down on the bandsaw, turned on the lathe and drilling and tapping on the milling machine. The inline lubricator needed a complete rebuild and needed to be silver brazed back together. Not sure if the lubricator was made by Stuarts in the U.K or not, I made a new screw top for it and knurled it and put an Australian Miniature Steam Models MSM turn wheel on.