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Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from Stockport
« Last post by MJM460 on Today at 11:18:33 AM »
Hi Waggy, welcome to the forum.

What part of the world are you from?

We would all love to see pictures of your work.

Introduce Yourself / Hello from Stockport
« Last post by Waggy on Today at 10:53:28 AM »
Just to introduce myself, my interest is 5” steam locomotives. Built three with a fourth on the bench. Member of two local clubs but at the moment I’m finding it difficult to Arendt either as often as I’d like.
Machines, Tools and Fixtures / Re: Maximum internal thread
« Last post by Admiral_dk on Today at 10:36:25 AM »
It sounds wrong - but finer Pitch often has a bigger load capacity ....

Perhaps that is why 1mm. Pitch is used on a lot of big diameter threads for plugs ....

Per            :cheers:
Chatterbox / Re: Stan Shire
« Last post by Tin Falcon on Today at 03:48:04 AM »
sad news indeed he lead a full life ,made many great models. I remember meeting up with him and a few others and touring the Hagley.
From Plans / Re: Elmer's Fancy II
« Last post by crueby on Today at 03:17:56 AM »
Wow - looking fantastic!!   :popcorn:
From Plans / Re: Elmer's Fancy II
« Last post by EricB on Today at 12:59:58 AM »
Made the base using form tools, files and gravers. I copied the plan design for the most part. It's about 1/8" taller where the center part meets the foot. Then I made the foot so that the center part will nest into it. That way I didn't have to worry about trying to make two flat surfaces sit flush and everything stays concentric.

The plan has two mounting holes at the edge of the foot. I omitted those. I'll use the single screw under the base for that.

From Kits/Castings / Re: Another ME Beam steam engine.
« Last post by propforward on Today at 12:21:36 AM »
That was my take on it - being hooman driven likely accentuates things. It will sound smoother under mechanical load. I think it is looking very good indeed.
From Kits/Castings / Re: Another ME Beam steam engine.
« Last post by crueby on Today at 12:14:53 AM »
Some of the gear noise seems to be as they speed up/slow down as you move the engine, tapping as the backlash space gets taken up as it changes speed. I wonder if just a little load on the output shaft would reduce the noise? When running for real at a constant speed, it may not be as noticeable.
From Kits/Castings / Re: Another ME Beam steam engine.
« Last post by Kim on February 15, 2025, 10:57:38 PM »
Very nice, Michael!  Seems to run very smoothly to me!  :ThumbsUp: :popcorn: :)

Shows / Re: 2025 Indiana Model Engine Show
« Last post by stevehuckss396 on February 15, 2025, 10:19:45 PM »
I'll be there for Saturday only.
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