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Chatterbox / Re: Small hex sources??
« Last post by gerritv on January 21, 2025, 10:06:13 PM »
For making bolts and nuts.
I have a Downriver Tools Lever Cross Slide on my Sherline now, works wonderfully to make nut blanks (with washer face). I also now have M3 and M4 nut taps and a rotary broach to make a holder for the nut blanks whilst threading them.
Made 46 M3 oversize nuts in about 2 hours. Got more proficient as I went along.

Bedturret with related tooling is in the works as well :-) I have already made some Hollow Mills to turn down the shanks, based on designs from Machinery Reference Series #102 (Automatic Screw Machine Practice) from 1912.

Did I mention that I love to make tools?


From Plans / Re: Teeny Tiny Micro Model Diesel from Germany
« Last post by Jo on January 21, 2025, 09:51:44 PM »
Sorry I know nothing of the German supplier. They were initially purchased from Germany about 20 years ago and I picked ours up about 10 years ago.

The drawings for half the model engines were missing and we were going to scale across from the others in the series for the missing ones.

From Plans / Re: Teeny Tiny Micro Model Diesel from Germany
« Last post by pirmin on January 21, 2025, 09:37:24 PM »
ahh, ou are talking about Joachim.  I am good friend with him , he made a lot of castings . but those do not look very well, usualy his castings where quite good
From Plans / Re: Teeny Tiny Micro Model Diesel from Germany
« Last post by Jo on January 21, 2025, 09:36:00 PM »
My supplier found someone in Germany who was doing the Castings for the Kratmo and Kratzsch model engines so he had to have a few sets of each casting  ::) and this little one came along in the purchase as the Guy knew my supplier was (at that time) capable of making it. There was no drawings but its a diesel ... he assumed it must be possible to make something up and then health problems overtook his swarf making.

So when I purchased one of each of the Kratmos and the Kratzsch casting sets from him I got a little one in the set.

Machines, Tools and Fixtures / Re: Restricting solder when tinning
« Last post by pirmin on January 21, 2025, 09:27:38 PM »
try toothpaste  :thinking:
Machines, Tools and Fixtures / Restricting solder when tinning
« Last post by PaulR on January 21, 2025, 09:25:02 PM »
I need to sweat two parts together - the 1"x1/8" flat and the 3/8" square bar at left. I've not done much soft soldering before so did a little experiment on some scrap brass parts (at the bottom) and was surprised how easy it was and how strong the bond is.

Anyway, when silver soldering in the past I've used 'correction fluid' to stop the solder flowing where it's not wanted. Will this, or something else, work for soft solder as I'd like to keep solder off the visible part of the flat bar?
From Plans / Re: Teeny Tiny Micro Model Diesel from Germany
« Last post by pirmin on January 21, 2025, 09:23:01 PM »
jo , how did you come to this casting ?
Chatterbox / Re: Small hex sources??
« Last post by Jo on January 21, 2025, 09:16:00 PM »
The question is: What do you want it for?

Any diameter/hex under 3mm has a nasty habit of going banana shaped when you try to do machine it. I personally used to machine my small bolts and nuts (down to 16BA) out of 1/8" 303 stainless using a dividing head to cut the hex on the mill.

From Plans / Re: Teeny Tiny Micro Model Diesel from Germany
« Last post by Jo on January 21, 2025, 09:11:05 PM »

We have the crankcase casting for it. (But not the drawings  :ShakeHead: )

Your Own Design / Re: Ohio Locomotive Crane
« Last post by cnr6400 on January 21, 2025, 09:02:31 PM »
 :ThumbsUp: :ThumbsUp: :ThumbsUp: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
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