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No-thread rod


My t nuts have a 3/8-16 thread and i needed some shorter studs. Since I was at the hardware store, I thought I'd just get some all-thread instead of my usual method of cutting the head off a bolt. They had short (12" pieces.)
In the shop I grabbed a t-nut and tried to thread it on with no luck. Figured that the end was mucked up, I cleaned up the end and still it wouldn't thread on. Checked the diameter. Correct. Checked the thread count with a gauge. Correct.
Tried to run a die to clean up the threads. Wouldn't even start.
Now it's a mystery. Sitting at the bench I was running a good stud through my fingers when I noticed that it moved up and back like a thread should. Did the same with the new piece of all- thread. It stayed in position. ???
The threads were not threads but grooves like one would make for cylinder fins.
I didn't return it. Too interesting. Put it my box of oddities (most of which I've made myself before making the part correctly)
1. I assumed these threads are rolled. Is this correct?
2. How could this happen?
3. WTF

I'd say option 3.


Acme thread.


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