:LittleDevil:I’m going to call this model complete at this time. Maybe a little additional tweaking yet to do, but it’s running fairly well.
I’d like to take a brief moment to thank those of you who have been following along, those that have commented, and especially those who have offered advice regarding a problem I was having. I’m not sure this engine would be running without it; so, a sincere thanks again.
For someone who follows along and builds one of these things, I hope this thread will have value for them. Some things I might do different, in retrospect:
1- I might think about boring, then pressing in the valve guides rather than threading them in as specified in the drawings; getting them in and sealed might be easier.
2- When aligning the heads, I’d pay very close attention to the head center line so that the valve rockers, as specified in the drawings, will fit. Rotating the head just a fraction of a degree off center will greatly affect the dimensions of the valve rockers.
3- PLEASE note that the measurement between centers of the cylinders as specified in the drawings is in error as noted in the above thread.
4- I’d follow my lead and make aluminum pistons so you don’t have to bore out the top of the piston and then silver solder in a “false” piston top.
5- Check to make sure you have enough meat to drill all the holes in the top of the heads. On my casting on one of the heads, the casting was too short; thus causing me to re-design the valve rockers on that head and alter the length of the valve guides and valves.
6- Before drilling any holes in the base locate the crankshaft centerline by facing the jourrnal covers and the base where they lie; place the journal covers on the base where they center on the base boss, then locate the crankshaft centerline by the ridges on the two journal covers.
A video of the completed and running model can be seen at thi URL: