Supporting > My Workshop

Getting shop together

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--- Quote from: Roger B on December 01, 2019, 08:16:29 PM ---That looks to be a good workshop when they are all assembled   :ThumbsUp:  :ThumbsUp:

--- End quote ---

Hopefully =)
Maybe one day wife's parents might sell or move the old Pontiac from the other half of the garage, then it will be twice as big, but I don't expect that to happen.
If it does happen, I would like to get an 8 foot brake (messing about purposes and work related activities)

Mike R:
BTW - I forgot but I have scans of the 13-34 operators manual and drawings if you need them...  At one time you could still get them from the manufactures web site but I haven't checked lately.


--- Quote from: Mike R on December 04, 2019, 02:28:09 AM ---BTW - I forgot but I have scans of the 13-34 operators manual and drawings if you need them...  At one time you could still get them from the manufactures web site but I haven't checked lately.

--- End quote ---

That would be great! Thanks :)

Unexpected delays. Unfortunately, both motors I got with the lathes do not fit.

Red one has a mounting bracket that is too small- requiring new holes drilled or a new plate to be made for it.
The green one has a mount that does fit, however the box on the side of it rests on the pan with no room for any adjustments for the motor.

Looks like I will have to find at least one new motor.

Bright side is I did find 2 of the parts that I was missing, they were in the cabinet  :facepalm2:
And I impulsively bought a 6" rotary table with tailstock and index plates (cyber Monday at Busybeetools)

Now all I need is everything else! (probably double as I tend to temporarily misplace things)


--- Quote ---Now all I need is everything else! (probably double as I tend to temporarily misplace things)
--- End quote ---

Arghh - I know that one all too well  :facepalm:
Like when doing a complete clean up off the workshop after a total repair on a motorcycle - I usually find the "missing parts" I had to buy new off, in order to assemble the bike .... and I all ways put the parts in small labeled bags, together in a box off all parts for that section - but still  :facepalm2:


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