Supporting > My Workshop

Getting shop together

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Recently work has been very busy, so I have not had a lot of time to really get a shop in order and get started. but an offer popped up that I couldn't refuse.

Bridgeport mill, 2 lathes, 13 34 and a 11 20 both with tapering attachments, 3 chucks, 2 vises and some other odds and ends. for $1600
all in pieces so I will have a little work to clean them up and re assemble them.

I still have to clean out the garage to make room for them

That should keep you busy a while, but if they end up being in good shape a nice score for you!!!


The Bridgeport looks like it was rebuilt, but not put back together. the lathes seems to be in good shape also, a little surface rust but it should all clean up nice.

I have been spending quite a bit of time in the garage cleaning, organizing and sorting for the last week. Just to make enough room to start the reassembling process of the lathes and mill.

My father cleaned out his storage also, so I have acquired more toys, a small scroll saw, small drill press, larger drill press and a band saw.

In my cleaning frenzy I have completed most of my tool sets that have been missing bits here and there, all except my socket set, but I have a pretty good idea where most of the remaining bits are.

Furnace is now operational (in time for winter)

looking to start assembly on sunday!

Mike R:
I just noticed this thread.  Nice score.  I can tell just from the 13-34 markings and headstock that they are Standard Modern lathes.  Nice machines - I have one myself.  I don't have the taper attachments :(

You should be more than happy for the price you paid - that was a steal!



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