Engines > From Kits/Castings
Clarkson Twin Horizontal Steam Engine
Mike Bondarczuk:
Hi Jason,
Thank you for the input and you are correct in that it is not a tandem I shall be attempting to build but a twin so will have compressed air entering both cylinders simultaneously, and hopefully timing will not be too much of an issue for balancing for smooth running.
The drawings as supplied are rather sketchy and leave a lot of analysing for final numbers so your comments about the crank height are very valid, and an earlier build log on here, from Canada, actually went your route with bronze caps mounted on undercut pedestals allowing for the crank to run totally in them rather than have a cast iron, gunmetal interface for bearing surface.
Yes it is a Clarkson Twin Horizontal engine Mike. The Compound engine has the second cylinder a slightly different size cylinder & bore but for running on compressed air the twin is better :)
--- Quote from: Mike Bondarczuk on October 03, 2018, 12:41:27 PM ---However, to get things rolling I have started on the build and it seemed that the first action should be to keep Jo happy, so I decided that the cylinder block assembly with steam chest and cover should be held together with studs and nuts, and I trust that she approves.
--- End quote ---
As for the crank height there is no drawing for the base plate other a sketch showing the height of the bearings and that should be the height from the bottom of the cylinder not to the unmachined surface of the base plates.
I think I mentioned to you Mike I still don't like the original Clarkson crosshead guides Erics ones were rather thin and very hard when we tried tickling them with a file :disappointed:
P.S. Please don't mention anything about me selling castings to you the sale pre-dates Surus' arrival and you know what he is like about protecting his castings ::)
Mike Bondarczuk:
Hi Jo,
Thanks for the clarification and would the photo with the castings be the items which are missing from the original kit or just a random picture of Clarkson castings for what looks like a single.
Those are a picture of some of Eric's castings that I took so that I knew what was missing from the set you now have.
I think at the time I mentioned to you that Eric and I decided that the original crosshead guides were chilled :disappointed: and it would be better to make them out of bar stock
Just for reference here are a couple of pictures from my Solidworks 3D assembly of this engine so far, it can be seen in the second image that there is very little material to play with around the main bearing pedestals and the crankshaft actually stands proud of them.
I will be making various detail changes to the design, but I am just modelling up in CAD what I have to start with from the existing castings and drawings.
Ignore the con rods, they are just temporary dummies to simulate getting the engine to turn over for checking valve events etc.
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