About MEM > Announcements
Scheduled Downtime - January 18th 2018 @ 18:00 approx.
Good evening/morning/afternoon (delete as applicable) everyone!
Our host, Linode, have informed me that in order to avoid the Meltdown problem (see the other post for more details), our server will be moving to new hardware. This will happen tomorrow, Wednesday the 18th January 2018, at about 6pm GMT (which is about lunchtime on the west coast of America). They reckon 3-5GB per minute is how long it will take to migrate the data, as we're sitting at about 40GB used, and employing my rusty differential calculus plus a bit of Pythagoras all run through a binomial distribution function, wet finger in the air, we should be offline for no more than 10 minutes or so. IT being what it is, this may or may not end up being the case, so we'll see.
I'll keep an eye on the server around this time, so if it doesn't fire up cleanly or there's any problems, hopefully I'll be in a position to fix it pronto.
There will be more scheduled downtime later, to patch for the Spectre issue, but hopefully this will be less time consuming.
Any questions, drop me a PM or start a thread in one of the non-engine forums.
Apologies for the short notice, I've only just found out myself!
Thanks Ade. Hopefully all will go smoothly and offer better protection in the long run. I think you may have meant the east coast of the USA though, a bit earlier on the west coast.
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