The Showcase > Vehicles & Models

AOG's steam powered iPhone charger MK 1 completed

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The steam powered iPhone charger is complete. The good news is that it will charge an iPhone. The bad news is that the boiler I picked isn't up to the job. With that engine and load I need to hold a minimum of 47 psi to charge a phone. The boiler is only capable of maintaining about 20 psi under load. I did hook it up to my compressor and it worked like a champ. So I have achieved proof of concept. Pictures and a video below.

Here is a video of it charging a phone while operating on compressed air.

I'm not done with this concept. Now that I have proof of concept I will eventually make a mark 2 version with a bigger boiler.

Till next time


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Nice job Tony  :)

I'm surprised the engine needs 47psi to charge the phone though, that seems a lot for a small engine.

What is the bore and stroke of the engine ?

Thanks, the bore is .498 and the stroke is .745 inches


Hello Tony, nice setup! Mentioning 20psi not being sufficient.. Is it due to lack of rpm at dynamo at that pressure? If so, have you tried to change gearing ratio? To drive dynamo directly from flywheel diameter. Just my thoughts as I was able to charge phone with probably less power with my stirling engine.

Nice work anyway :)

Basically it's a torque issue. I played around with multiple pulley sizes before I settled on 2 to 1. If the pulley gets much bigger the engine will stall. If it's much smaller I couldn't get the RPMs I needed at the generator. I even remade the piston because I was afraid the original was blowing by. No real change in the numbers.



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