Looks like we are suffering e-mail problems again...
Firstly, anyone who has an account with GMX (gmx.com, gmx.net, mail.com are the ones I know about, there may be others) - there is a problem whereby our IP is blocked by GMX's servers, and I cannot resolve it (because the problem they claim is bogus, and they won't even look at it). If you have a GMX.com account, you won't get ANY e-mails from this server. If you attempt to register with a GMX account, you won't be able to as you'll never receive your activation link. After I've written this message I'll be adding a block to new GMX.* registrations with an explanation of why. If you have already registered with a GMX mail account, don't worry! You won't be blocked/barred, but you won't get any e-mails either. I would recommend changing to an alternative provider though.
Secondly. It does seem that some e-mails aren't getting out at the moment. I can't see why, just yet, still working on that one. Anyone with a VERIZON account, your e-mails were being blocked by them, I have applied to whitelist our server, hopefully that will happen soon.
Once I find the blockage and clear it, you may receive a flood of e-mails from our server. I apologise - just delete them (or read them if you like
THey may be interesting...).
Thanks for bearing with us.