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Making My First Gear

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Today was my first try at making a gear. And as you will see it did not turn out to good. I managed to cut the blank out and bore with no problem. When it came time to cut the teeth that was another thing  :facepalm:. I hope I am not the only one who has made this mistake and hope it is the last time I do make it.
The dial Collar on my RT slipped and caused me a mishap in one spot on my gear, of coarse the rest of the teeth would be off also. When I reached tooth number 7 the collar slipped and didn't notice it till tooth number 9. Below are photos of the progression. It will be a will before I can make another work take preference.
If anyone sees that I did something wrong here. Please point it out? :Director: :slap:

Cutting the Blank
Boring the blank

The finished blank

Setting up the Mill and finding the mid point

Adjusting the cutter to mid point

Cutting the Gear

This photo is where I marked the dial should it move again

This is a photo to show the large tooth


Hi Don
Sounds like.....for whatever reason...there was an index error.....probably when the dial
slipped.     I did something similar with my Wallaby build.

I would set that gear back up , like I did, and cut some more teeth for practice.
Then I would make a new blank and start again.
Sorry bud


Yeah, happens all the time, don't sweat it. I've cut well over 100 gears and still throw the odd silly one.

Thanks Dave and Tel I hope the next one goes a lot better. I just have to keep focused on what I am doing. Dave the spreadsheet you gave me is great. I still struggle with setting the seconds they are so close. Hope next week I can try again. The is the 34 tooth gear for metric conversion of my Myford.


Something to keep in mind with resettable dials on any machine tool    Don't turn the crank by the dial, but by the dial handle.    ......and yes I screw this one up all the time....  :facepalm: :wallbang:

If it locks with a set screw just make sure its nice and snug. .....I screw that one up all the time too!

The mistake I made cutting the cam gear on the Wallaby was I forgot to tighten up the collet holding the mandrel!.. :facepalm: :ROFL:

Well....if you don't make any just means you not doing anything....the next one will go faster...I promise Buddy!



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