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Mike R shows his shop

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Mike R:
As I sit in limbo waiting for parts for projects to show up I took a little time to tidy the shop (just a bit) and took some pictures to prove it!

So here they are:

As you enter the shop there is a small drill press looking for a place to sit

then there is the bandsaw on the left and the mandatory vise and workbench

Another shot of the bench with the shelf above holding various books, magazines and projects (LMS Duchess in 3 1/2" scale is the biggest item up there)

Here is the shaper - I don't use it much but it was donated to me so I keep it....

This is my biggest accomplishment to date - cnc conversion of my mill.  Got to say that it sure makes doing many things easier.

2nd workbench with mini-lathe and my newly sorted drills waiting for a new home on the wall(probably beside the shaper).  The mini-lathe was a bit of an impulse purchase while I was waiting for my big lathe to show up.  I still think I'll keep it and do a cnc conversion for fun.  It might be perfect for turning out dozens of small valves and valve guides, etc for my radial engine build.

And here is the new to me lathe - A Standard Modern 13-34.  Its about to get a DRO fitted (missed the FedEx delivery today - hence the shop clean up!)
I already have changed it over to VFD and 220V 3 phase 1.5hp motor.  What a difference over my previous 3-in-1 lathe / mill / drill.

Next is the tool chests - they need a good going through to reorganize and get rid of useless stuff.  Also shown is my grinder - I need to move it further from the lathe...

And last is my material storage cabinets.  Someone was tossing these out one garbage day so I grabbed them.  Perfect for stashing my raw materials in.  One is for metals and plastics and the other holds my scrounged stuff I use in various projects like transformers, gears, steppers, pulleys, shafts, bearings etc,  It too needs a good clean up.

Hopefully in the next couple of months I'll be making progress on engines and not making tools or fixing them! 

Hope you enjoyed my little tour.

Mike R


You look to be having the same problems as myself, too much stuff for too small a space.

But I think that when you have got yourself completely organised, your shop will feel like when you put on an old pair of slippers, comfortable to work in.

Beautiful small shaper there, I wish I had a bit of space so that I could get one in, a very handy piece of kit to have around.


Nice shop Mike, I really like that little shaper!

Nice shop Mike!    Love Standard and Moderns!   great lathes!


Good use of available space and love the shaper. Is it a shop made or bought shaper?


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