Supporting > Additive Machining

Learn to Use a 3d printer

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Tin Falcon:
An update on this thread this program is still going and there are some minor changes month to month  .
the exact printer and price  may change . Matt is doing his best to give the best value and experience to his customers.
The April class features a monoprice mini and is only $350 .

  It does look like he may be offering the larger monoprice I3 clones if future classes for $475.

The April sunday meetup will feature reports from the midwest reprap festival.

Note: These are monthly programs  so check the PS web page or facebook for current info.

This might be an interesting subject to do (at least on this forum) :

Tin Falcon:
saw that the other day yes want to build one . I downloaded the files from  Insructables.


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