The Showcase > Engines

Another Stuart Major Beam Engine ( some comments and photos)

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Have been passing a wet and cold day here rummaging around in my photo files for what I may have as a record of the building of my Major beam engine.
The castings were bought back in 1989, and are from the original Stuart Turner foundry as far as I know.  The quality of them was not as good as the castings that I had had in 1979 for making the No 1 engine.
  As with my vertical engine featured here, a lot of the machining has been done before the digital age, and set ups have gone unrecorded. The photos that I do have of the later stages and components have only been taken as record shots with no thought of making them public, so please bear with some rather poor photography done with an ancient digital camera!
  I have enjoyed a good look at the build log that Andy ( Chipmaster) has been writing up, and his good work on the castings covers most of what I might have attempted to illustrate on that anyway.  Alan ( Steamhead) has indicated a lot of the drawing errors that Stuart has strewn in the path of builders.  I've got a couple more...

  As Alan himself has said, when the rather long job of building this beam engine is already mostly done, where do you begin in trying to do a write up?

Well, what might be as good as anything may be to bung in a few photos to get things under way, and add more pictures and remarks over a period of time.
 If there are aspects of the build or individual components that members are interested in particularly, do bring them up and I'll see if I have photos concerning those items.  Otherwise, I'll just chunter on......!
 Presently the whole engine is dismantled and the castings have been masked off and mostly sprayed with filler primer, - so they are not really accessible for extra photography.
 Before the model came to bits before Christmas, I grabbed a few shots of the unpainted engine assembled  - more or less - on it's simple plywood box that made a base to build the thing up on. These are the first couple of photos.

I'd made the parallel motion links way back when I first got the castings:   though I was doing other model engineering projects I just couldn't wait to see how they'd look!  For ages, that was the only bits of this engine that I had done, kept them propped up on a shelf to remind me to make the rest of it!

The governor has been made fairly recently, got some pics of that.  An interesting sub- assembly as one might say ( through gritted teeth...)  I haven't modified the height overall, as although it might thereby miss the flywheel, it seemed to me that it was still going to clobber the forked end of the con-rod with little extra travel gained.  To be honest, I'm not entirely convinced that it will effectively govern the speed anyway, but others may be able to answer that one...

The stop valve and lubricator...   quite fun to make!

More later on, cheers, Dave

Whoops, didn't put the stop valve picture up.....    sorry!

Nice stuff!

I don't even know where to begin...the governor, that handwheel, and a bunch of stuff I don't know the names of.


jeff l:
great job

Beautiful engine, Dave! Great detail and attention to fit and finish. I could stare at that for hours just soaking up the little
'engineering' things like the way the bearings adjust on the two short drop arms; a strap with the wedge at one end. Cool!



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