About MEM > Introduce Yourself
Hi from Brizvagas
Hello everyone,
Just a quick bit about myself. 8)
I have only recently started to follow the model engine/engineering scean.
I have some machinery and some ability.
What I really like to do is get plans to pretty much anything, redo them ( fix them ) into CAD solidmodels ( mostly with inventor ) then one day make something.
Apart from tooling and general work for others all I have really made in the way of a model engines, is a small wobbler called the Fancy by Elmer.
One day I will finish this :D
Looking at sites such as this are giving me some incentive to do more and more.
If I can help with some CAD work I will try and help. :)
If you would like to some of my work it is here http://grabcad.com/darren.simpson
Welcome Ausdier :)
Kind regards, Arnold
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