About MEM > Introduce Yourself

Hello from Wales


Phew! What a week, or rather couple of days!

I feel there's something New Testament going on here. The dark force had threatened us and God was dead. Then on the third day ...

And I'm not religious.

I'm much the same as I was on the diseased site whose name we will not utter. Except a little older and more frail, but still in possession of my interest in engines. I may finish one some day ...

Small machinery; 2 Unimat DB/SLs, Taig lathe, a Super Adept and a 2-1/2" Exe roundbed lathe. Adept 1A shaper (hand powered) and Unimat1 (yes, the plastic one) which is to be handed on to my grandson when he is a little older.

I don't actually make much, most of the time I'm just playing.

I'm staggered by the turnout here. Looking at the members already signed up and knowing all the names. 75 members in 24? hours!

Ok, can I sit just there? Thanks, I'll try and behave.


Welcome aboard Ray  :)

I hope you chose a good seat  ;)

Kind regards, Arnold

Welcome to the New Empire Ray!!



--- Quote from: Raggle on July 20, 2012, 10:33:46 AM ---I'm staggered by the turnout here. Looking at the members already signed up and knowing all the names. 75 members in 24? hours!

--- End quote ---

Me too, and doesn't it feel a little weird (in a good way, you understand) to be introducing ourselves to folks that we've known for ages on other forums.

But I'm sure that the great spirit will just grow and grow as we all sign up and post up!!


It's like being in a film. You know, the one about a little man, with a wad but no brain, who buys a thriving pub and it burns down in 2-3 days

Screenplay, anyone?



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