At the Guildford show I was lucky to pick up the Model Engineer volume for 1976, I only had a few odd copies of that year. In this volume, Geo. H Thomas has written up his notes and tooling for parting off, and among the designs is a very neat tool holder for 3/16" dia. shank small parting tools. Intended mainly for the four way toolpost, the angled bore gives the tool toprake and facilitates setting to centre height.
I have made one of these little gadgets during the last couple of afternoons ( 85 degrees F. in the workshop! ), made a nice filler in project and should be handy.
Nothing much to the making process, so didn't bother with photos. Sawed it initially from some 1" by 1/2" BMS, didn't have anything handier...
I case hardened the tool, my small propane torch struggled a bit to get the heat in but I got a useful amount of extra hardness beyond leaving it as BMS.
The parting tools are from silver steel, h+t to light straw. I milled the shapes in the dividing head to put the clearances on, but filing might have been as quick. Might make a few narrower ones later...