General Category > Oddball
earlton steam show 2012
chuck foster:
well last weekend myself and two good friends of mine made the 6 hour trip to the earlton steam show, it was as always a great show.
they have old hit and miss engine,steam engines,house hold stuff and hand tools...............oh yea they have some old cars.
when i say old cars i mean old cars, hears one in the next photo.
it is a 1911 hudson it was called the mile a minute car cause it would go 60 miles an hour.
the guys that own this car drive it around the show grounds and give people rides. they have about 5 or 6 other cars of the same vintage.
the next picture shows one of the first seadoo's
here is a goodison steam traction engine that had a new boiler made for it sometime in the 70's
this i a picture of a really neat hot air engine
all in all it was a great weekend, we had allot of fun and got to meet some very nice people.
thanks for looking
Chuck ..
Like the Stirling Engine :) I wondered what the 'pulsation chamber' was doing, never seen one on a Stirling type before. I assumed, wrongly, that the can contained cooling water for the cold end, but the engine is driving a pump. Makes sense now ..
Found a Youtube vid. of what seems to be the same engine in action.
Usual 'musical' accompaniment, I'm afraid.
Dave BC
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