Author Topic: A Beam Engine ?- What to do with this  (Read 4886 times)

Offline joeb

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A Beam Engine ?- What to do with this
« on: January 24, 2014, 10:45:41 PM »
One of my ebay purchases - the builder obviously did not have any plans and so the scale is a bit out of whack - i think - the boiler is 14 1/2" high and its a 9 1/2' flywheel
not the prettiest of things so I intend to dump everything other than the cylinder, valves and the crank, bearings etc
I bought a set of drawings of the Vulcan non condensing beam (legally - i think -as they are the originals) as a starting point
I have an 8" flywheel so I can scale it up or down from there
The cylinder is 1 1/8th dia with a 1 1/2" stroke 
I think by the time I do the column, beam , linkages, pump etc I could almost call it my own - almost
Any words of wisdom gratefully accepted
on the J Curve of learning all things steam - I'm still heading down hill


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