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Liney RV-1 valve port size

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I'm about to begin the Liney RV-1 at double scale.
I've doubled all dimensions.
The valve ports are .055 in diameter. If I double these to .110, the area of the opening is 4 times the original. Will this work or should I calculate the port diameter to give 2X the area?

Interesting question and the answer is maybe  ;)

Since you're doubling the bore that gives a four times + double stroke = 8 times swept volume  :noidea:

Apparently not enough .... Ah but you're doubling the lift of the valves too, so now we're getting there .... Maybe ...!

There's a good chance that it is just right, but only an experiment will comfirm. I would personally try it just doubled up as you already done the drawings.

Let's hear from those who done builds in double or half scale - what's the result ?

I would think that the valve timing is most important, which is controlled by when the inside and outside edges of the valve intersect the port openings. If you need more volume, you can make the ports and the valve cavity wider.


Stan, i would drill it for two times the area. Any error will be on the small side. As Simon said, the timing is more critical than the passage diameters. You can always enlarge them if need be.


Thanks guys. Erring on the small side seems more reasonable than having to remake the part because the hole was too big. I'm thinking about 50% larger there and doubling all other dimensions.  You know I can't leave well enough alone with any of my builds, so I'm also redesigning the bearing blocks to accept the "no-lube" acetal bearings with stainless steel balls. Actually, I couldn't leave my kitchen alone when all I needed to do was replace the cabinet hardware. Then there was the bathroom........


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