One trick that is good for spindles with a thread on the end/outside, for removing arbors/tools that have an external flange: before putting the arbor on, thread on a nut onto the spindle. To remove the arbor, loosen the drawbar and turn the nut to pop the morse taper loose. Saves tapping on the drawbar and spindle/bearings. May not apply in this case, but a handy trick.
Here is a couple pictures of what I mean. First a picture of my mill spindle, threaded on the outside and morse taper on the inside:

If I use a morse taper arbor alone, removing it would require tapping on the end of the drawbar or prying between the arbor and the spindle, neither of which I like:

and here with a large thin nut threaded on the spindle before installing the arbor (I used an off the shelf nut, turned thinner on the lathe)

A tommy bar in the spindle side hole and a wrench on the nut, with the drawbar loosened, will gently remove the arbor with no impacts.