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Glue For PLA+ and Others

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Although I have been printing for a few years I have never had to glue any of the pieces together.

I have a copy of Chris's clock all printed and ready to be glued so I did a test on some similar material. I used Gorilla Instant gel glue and after sitting for 24hrs, the bits just fell apart. I tried some cheap, Dollar Store stuff but had the same result.

I lightly sanded the bits first, appied the glue, and put the pieces in a jig to sit in the proper position but it didn't help.

What do others use?



Hi Tom, I've had good results gluing PLA for several years , many many parts with cyanoacrylate glue (also called Super Glue, Crazy Glue etc.) The Zap brand available at some hobby shops and online from Amazon is the best I have found. Very strong bond with it on the eSun PLA + I like to use. The nozzle does not clog, the glue has long life after opening the bottle, and the cap doesn't get stuck on. I have tried the Bob Smith industries brand that my local hobby shop sells and it sticks PLA OK but has all three problems I mentioned the Zap glue does not have. Medium thick Zap is the type I use most, it gives a bit of parts positioning time and is less likely to glue you and the parts together like the thin stuff. Hope this helps.  :cheers:

This is the stuff I used on my clock, works great on PLA and lots of other materials. I have used it to hold together some of my RC submarines  with printed hull sections. Grabs pretty quick, will fill small gaps.

Hi Tom,
I have used Gorilla and Loctite brands on PLA with good success.  I use several different brands of PLA , Sun, Inland and Creality but I can't remember which brand I glued.

Thank You for all the good information.

Cnr6400, I have use gallons of Zap over the years I was in RC glider competition. I haven't use it lately but I just checked with a real hobby store I will be at tomorrow and they have stock so I will add it to the list. I also mainly use Esun PLA+ but the odd roll of the Creality stuff creeps in as well.

I will also retry the Gorilla Brand I have and see if I did not do something I should have.

Chris, that looks like very good glue, but Amazon seems to be the only place to get it and I don't really want to by them a new truck. There must be a lot of import duty on it.

Thanks Again for all the replies,

 :cheers: :DrinkPint:


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