Supporting > Additive Machining

1953 Ford 3 speed standard transmission (1/3 scale)

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Trying to fill up the winter with projects so I took my CAD drawings for the 1953 Ford standard transmission and made Solidworks models for all the parts. My CAD drawings are meant for machining from metal so changes had to be made to make them printer friendly. Things like shaft to hole dimensions, ease and assembly of printed parts and the big one for me making the parts so I don't need as much support material.
Anyway, I'm happy the way they came out. You can even shift gears albeit carefully.
The trans is a 1/3 scale model of the real thing. About 10 inches end to end. I started with PTEG, not my favorite but initially everything was going fine then my Ender 3 Neo decided it didn't like the PTEG so I switched to tough PLA.
The problem with the PTEG was that flat surfaces on the build plate would curl up at one corner. I tried adjusting temps and feed rates but no luck. The build plate was level and clean with just a hint of hair spray. The PLA has to be knocked of when cool so I know it's not that.

Thats wonderful!  Are you thinking of making a version in metal too?

I have had the same problem of the wide/flat prints curling up from the build plate, but just in PLA so opposite of what you are seeing, cured it by upping the bed temperature from 60c to 70c from the standard profile in the slicer for PLA prints. I figured it might be a temperature variance issue across the bed since it always seemed to be on the same side. SO many parameters in the printers, but they do amazing things.

Actually I built the metal one a couple of years ago.  I'll. Post some pictures tomorrow.


Truly spectacular!   :NotWorthy:


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