Engines > From Kits/Castings
D&M Model Sentinel Generator
Does anyone have drawings for the D& M Model Sentinel generator?
I have the castings set, and a notes page but no specific drawings with dimensions.
Thank you
Sorry not seen that one before but it is a nice looking project so keep us posted of progress if you find the drawings or go ahead without them.
It's not unlike the one Cringle were doing castings for a year or so ago but they seem to have disappeared now. as pic
I have a Dynamo or two on the drawing board so a vested interest.
Thank you
Yours look very nice!
Nice to see Fred Dibner standing there
They are not mine, but just a photo of what the Cringle kit ones looked like.
Do you know what sort of date your castings are from? as I had not heard of the company. I'm assuming they were in the UK.
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