Engines > From Kits/Castings
My Pm Research # 1 Mill Engine
Hey Guys,
i made the No. 1 Mill Engine about 1 year ago and never made a Base for it, i also run out of patience to cut down all the studs to final lenghs, so now i want to show the final result to all of you! all studs shortend, Base stained in oak colors :)
i might make a few more alterations on the base, maybe add some fence posts , a scale tile floor and will mount a exhaust flange in the future .
but for now i am happy with it, the way it is !
Cheers Pirmin
Looks good :ThumbsUp:
And don't forget that the most important fact is a happy builder ;)
Per :cheers:
Looks great, studs and nuts look much nicer than the screws that usually come with PM models
yes, also the oilers in the PM Drawings are pretty much off if u want a scle looking model. i also made no use of the bronze crosshead guides, i made some of cast iron and polished the tops. i then used Easylap ultrafine for the break in procedure, the negines runs superb smooth on live steam, no leakages
Final Update :
i ordered a Investment cast steel pulley from bengs in Germany, and i must say, it realy lets the engine Pop . 8)
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