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john mills:
i don't know the article but what are you looking for
they have been described for several engines over the years in different sizes what size are you working on?

Welcome Asherjackson to MEM.

I don't have the article you are asking about, sorry. I do have an alternate source of injector knowledge for you though. There's a book by D.A.G. Brown called "miniature injectors inside and out" which clearly explains the theory, construction methods, and testing of small steam injectors. Mine is by TEE Publishing in the UK and the ISBN number is 1 85761 134 9. It's far more sensible and practical than anything else I have read on steam injectors, and I built several successful ones straight from the book instructions. Valves and pipework for the injector are also important and Mr Brown covers these subjects too. Even has a section on steam ejectors for making vacuum for vacuum braking of engines and trains as is/was common on UK locomotives small and full size apparently. Just food for thought.

Asher Jackson

Martin Evans has four pages on injectors in his book "The Model Steam Locomotive" (first published in 1983). This appears to be quite comprehensive. The book is readily available from TEE Publishing Ltd (ISBN 1 85761 132 2).

I am building a 5" gauge loco and have bought its injector "off the shelf". I have seen too many locos with injector problem.

Anyway, welcome.


john mills:
in the older magazines with some of the known models from martine evans and LBSC and others description of making injectors have been repeated
the details that are important are the edges at the ends of the cones the water and steam must stream or flow smoothly and the gaps to allow the
amount of water and steam .there must be room for the steam to expand in the over flow spaces .

Elam Works:
The article in question was by Basil Palmer of South Africa, Not Martin Evans. PM sent.



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