Engines > Restoration of Model Engines

bassett lowke 1 1/2 inch traction engine plans

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Hi I have acquired a Bassett lowke 1 1/2 inch traction engine.  It needs a new boiler making.  Unfortunately I don't have the plans.  Does anyone have a set of plans that could be copied or know where I could get a set please?

It's more than likely that it would need a redesign to meet current regs as the old rivited and soft solder caulked design is rather dated. Talk with whoever is going to test the boiler and see what they say.

Most designs these days also use separate horn plates screwed or bolted to hollow stays rather than riveted to the boiler so again some redesign needed there too.

Dear Jason, thank you for your sound advice. You are absolutely correct. I have looked at the structure of the original boiler and it is not adequate for modern standards. The boiler on my Minnie is far superior
 One solution I considered :- I note that there are plans for a 3" Burrell available from Plastow and I am considering buying the boiler plans from them and using those.  It may then be  simple matter of dividing the dimensions on the larger scale plan by half, and checking the dimensions to the original boiler. How does that sound to you?  John

Not too good, I don't think any boiler inspector would be happy with that.

Probably better to look at something like the 1 1/2" Allchin and use the same material thicknesses and stay spacing as that, just adjusting the overall sizes down to suit your slightly smaller Burrell

Good advise Jason.

That is exactly what I have done when re-designing the boiler for my 1½" Burrell designed by A. J. Every.


I am pretty sure I also have a set of original drawings for the Bassett lowke version somewhere in the loft.


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