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I am open to buying from other sources if they accept bank transfer like reichelt does. that link does not contain any purchasing information.
Contact them directly by email at info(@)stuermer-maschinen.de and ask about price, bank transfer and cost of shipping etc. etc.You can see their website in English if you click EN in the top left corner of the page.The OPTIturn TU 1503V looks to be an ideal machine.Mike
I am very satisfied with the Optimum lathe and milling machine. Both machines have been in my workshop for over 10 years and have worked well.I think if you want to start with the hobby, the machines are very robust. Maybe you can find something suitable in their online offer.Michaelhttps://www.stuermer-maschinen.de/marken/optimum/kategorie/optimum-drehmaschinen-konventionell/
I would buy the biggest lathe you can afford. You can make small and large stuff on a bigger lathe but you can only turn small stuff on the smallest lathes.Mike