The Showcase > Shows
steam show near Berlin
Michael, I enjoyed those video's it looks a great place to have a steam festival, thanks for showing them.
I was in Berlin 1957/59 doing my army service there was some steam powered craft on the river Havel in those days, and by the way I also remember the mosquitoes a real pain.
Pictures of the Havel Spandau. Michaelr
Michael S.:
Finally today I have my Stuart No. 1 connected to the boiler. After over 10 years I am still convinced that it is perfect.
Thank you for showing picture and Videoes :praise2:
Your Stuart is running very well :ThumbsUp:
Per :cheers:
Looks like a wonderful show, Michael! Glad the weather was good. That always makes it more fun :)
Great videos. And your Stuart runs wonderfully! I can see why you're pleased with it!
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