Supporting > Vehicles & Models

3D Printed GWR Pannier Tank

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Here is a prototype 3D resin printed G3 Pannier Tank, we printed as much as practically possible. Fine detail cannot be represented on the outside as resin is very brittle and would break of when handled, hence the detail in brass.

The engine needs a few tweaks and will come to life when painted.


Very nice! The bodywork looks flawless. Did you get any distortion? I now think that when I have distortion in some of the parts I print it's because I orientate the part to the buildplate myself rather than accept the slicers settings. How do you orientate the parts you have printed?

Wow! That is pretty sharp looking!  The engine body looks pretty good sized.  Were you able to print it all in one go?  Or is it split somewhere?


Very nice.

Great flat surfaces, ( which for those who don't know, are hard to do in resin without careful supporting.).

That looks very good! The brass and the resin go well together.



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