Engines > Your Own Design

5 Cylinder radial somewhat based on the Morton but not much

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Art K:
Sometimes time just seems to blur! Somehow it seems longer ago than May that you were working on this radial. Really glad to see you back it. Hopefully I'll see you at Cabin Fever.

Welcome back, George!
I have not used anti-scale powder (Boron) before & CI rings are on my next project list. Is the pre-heat a requisite step so that the powder sticks or melts to the metal? (ie. you cant coat it when cold & just heat it up to final temp from there?).
I assume you tried rings without treatment & problematic scale buildup occurred even though (I presume) in the presence of a flame? You are not using an oven, right?

No apologies needed, George, we all get busy from time to time.  The coating you use - do you mean boron nitride?  Or borax/boric acid?

The anti scaling powder is marketed by Brownells. They sell various tools for the firearms industry The product name is PCB anti scaling powder. The caution on the label states that it contains Boron and should be kept out of contact with skin and eyes.  You preheat the material to 450-500 f then coat with the powder. It kind of meltsand bubbles on the surface. It can the be brought up to annealing/hardening temperature.  After cooling a boil in water removes the residue.  Parts have the original gray steel color.

Thanks George. Here is the link in case someone else is looking


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