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Q. I am trying to reproduce a blued finish on the brass boilers of a collection of antique model steam engines, most made in Nuremburg, Germany between 1870 and 1930. The finish on these engines range from purple to brown to dark blue. These can be seen at: http://John_o.myiglou.com/steammain.htmlSo far, commercial firearms bluing solutions have gone almost straight from brown to blue. I have heard that the old builders used a salt solution heated to the 80-90 degree (c) range to achieve this finish, but can find no documentation on this method, or the materials used. Can anyone point me to good reference material on this, or shed some light on the solutions used to achieve this finish?John O'Rear- Versailles, Kentucky, USA2003A. Lustre colours solution:lead acetate [affil link].......25 gmsodium thiosulphate [affil link]...240 gmcream of tartar [adv: item on eBay & Amazon] ....25 gmH2O..........1 lit/ for copper and its alloys,iron(only blue), silver, gold, platinum, nickel plate/ Solution produces a series of lustre colours in following sequence(on brass): golden yellow-orange-purple-blue-pale blue-pale grey(cca 10 min.for sequence,40 °C temp.)!Goran Budija- Cerovski vrh Croatia