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Myford ML7 Splash-back & Tool Rack



I have an ML7 that needs assembling...hopefully this December holiday. I have a Myford lathe stand and drip tray and I want to build a splash-back with a rack for the tools I'll use most. I have seen many photo's on Google but no plans have cropped up. Can anyone point me in the right direction or give's and don'ts perhaps, or possibly things to consider that you have learned from painful or positive experiences?

Any help is much appreciated, thank you

Sorry I have no dimensions to share - but can recommend including a swarf guard for the motor, if it's of the vulnerable type.  Horrid noises and bangs if things get sucked in.


See attached picture of splashback I made a year or so ago.  It holds all my tooling and critically has a shield to stop swarf getting into the motor.  All made out of my head in 2mm aluminium and pop rivetted together.  All the mounts for the QCTH were machined on the mill from 25mmx25mmx3mm aluminium equal length angle.  Used CAD as in Cardboard Aided Design to make and test the fits of the various panels.

Hope this helps


WOW! That's very nice work. Definitely on the lines of what I was thinking. 


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