Supporting > Engine Ancillaries

interesting carb on the bay

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Hello Dave,

The heart of this carb will be the needle taper and jet. If you are thinking about the 917; You will need to be able to measure the needle taper precisely and then reproduce it numerous times. The rest is just precision engineering.



--- Quote from: Vixen on November 30, 2023, 04:29:57 PM ---Hello Dave,

The heart of this carb will be the needle taper and jet. If you are thinking about the 917; You will need to be able to measure the needle taper precisely and then reproduce it numerous times. The rest is just precision engineering.


--- End quote ---

Yup ...well I'll need to replicate it at least twice!.       Right now it's all exploratory.     It would be easier to hide 2 carburetors if they looked like part of the Bosch slide valve fuel injection system, so at the very least, I had to at least look at what's available, and what would be entailed to build one...or should I say 2.

Like I've said, I'm thinking 2 carbs, one on each bank of 6.    That said I'm trying to disguise it all a bit  (10 dummy injection stacks and 2 real carbs  for this instance)
I am not considering building 12,  or even 4.  carbs   I think this engine is challenging enough to just get running let alone to that level of complexity.

I may build a non prototypical manifold plenum just to get the engine running and debuged ....then craft something a bit more realistic

One must obey the 11th commandment.....
"Thou shalt not kid thyself!"


Amen  :praise2:


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