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Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition 2023

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Pictures taken at the Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition, Thursday 12th October 2023.
P1100368 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100371 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100376 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100379 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100382 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100385 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100386 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100387 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100389 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100390 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100391 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100392 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100393 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100398 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100402 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100403 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100405 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100408 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100410 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100411 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100412 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100413 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100414 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100417 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100420 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100422 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100424 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100426 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100427 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100428 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100429 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100430 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100431 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100433 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100436 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100441 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100442 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100443 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100445 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100446 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100452 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100454 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100456 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100460 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100461 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100463 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100464 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100473 by Andy, on Flickr

P1100479 by Andy, on Flickr

That Delage engine of Mike's is beautiful and to me was one of the standout models there today.  The BSA motorbike was also an amazing model.

I felt that there was less to see than last year and fewer suppliers.  I came away not having bought anything apart from lunch.


Lot of nice models there!  Thanks for sharing the pictures.   ;D


Terrific exhibition!  Thanks for the pictures!

Would agree with you Colin on the models and show, and would add the Bentley rotary, shame it was at the back of the table in a glass case away from close scrutiny.

Felt the show was a bit of a "horses for courses show", great if you are into steam locos but not if you wanted to see anything else, like model IC engines (the traction engines in steam outside were lovely to see but).  Was disappointed in the show, came away with only some cheap small centre drills which I needed, some cheap HSS tool steel because it was cheap and will come in handy, and a book on CAD, and spent over the odds on a burger for lunch - end of.  Stuart models had some lovely example of their completed engines but no labels to say which each was what..........silly mistake.    And the lighting in the main hall was decidely gloomy, and it was not just my old eyes!!  All done and dusted in just two hours and that included queueing for the burger then eating it!

Don't think I will bother going again if that is how it will be, but it was good to see the pictures that Andy - Chipmaster - posted, thank you for that.



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