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I somehow missed the completion of this incredible project. Well Done. I'll be binge watching both Chris Reapy's youtube videos, AND Gary Ayres as well. RC boats, forklifts, great pumping engines, and modular synths...It's nerdvana!Best to all,Stan
Chris,Sorry to join the end of the parade but somehow this wrap up escaped me. Phenomenal work and it runs and pumps like clockwork.Art
Fantastic work Chris! (as we've all come to expect from you)Are the drawings likely to appear in Live Steam at some point?
Absolutely interested....whether that is a sane, rational or practical position is more than a little bit questionable....just based on the volume projects in the queue. I'm not retired nor as prodigious a builder. I keep having marvelous machine show up on the stoop that can't resist but they end up taking so much time. Anyway, as you publish and buy brass, I publish and buy shop stuff...I think a high resolution SLA printer is a compelling use for some funds. The resolution and accuracy of some of them are just fantastic, close to a thou. Lost wax cast engine parts would be one of the highlights of such a set up and those large pipes that model has would be an interesting experiment. Its semi idle musing....I'm just not in a position dig into it, but the notion certainly is appealing!
What a gorgeous engine.A high level of craftsmanship and so amazing to see it working similar to the original.My deepest respect.Cheers,Ralph