Engines > From Kits/Castings

steam engine with 40 mm bore

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A new project!  How exciting!  I'll be following along Michael  :popcorn: :popcorn:


john mills:
I will be following 

Grateful Ted:
Very interesting model, love the crankshaft.
Count me in!

It's an unusual design having the two separate extensions to the legs of the "A" frame and I don't think I have ever seen that on a model or full size before and can't see a specific reason why it would have been done that way unless they also offered a different base casting more suited to use in a boat hull that had the bearing housings cast integral to it and the lower height would have been an advantage and then used the same "A" frame for all versions.

The amount of work levelling the top of the box bed casting is a good example of why many full size and model castings have raised areas where any part swill attach. This greatly reduces the amount of machining needed to get a level surface for all the parts to fit to be it back in the day with what they had and now for us.

I will follow along and see how things progress

Very interesting to see your excellent pictures and, as it comes together, a build write up,  of engines that are entirely different to the familiar ones that we usually see.  Looks like being a nice project.  Dave


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