Supporting > Engine Ancillaries

Cyl drain cocks.

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I didn't want to post this in Stews Topic so i started a new one. I'm thinking of having a couple of drain cocks on the cylinder of my portable engine. I came across these on e bay. They have a 3/16 x 40 thread.

At only ?15.00 for the pair I'm wondering if its worth the effort of making them myself but then again I hate paying for something I could make.

Any info on how these work or could be made would be appreciated.



Just the usual tapered spindle in a matching tapered hole, cross drilled so a 90deg turn will open or close the cock.

You really want a very small pipe union on the outlet so the steam/water can be run in a small bore copper pipe down teh side of the firebox.


T'were me, I'd be snapping them up Rich - that's a good price for a fiddly-to-make item

I dunno Rich, after being witness to your caliber of work, I wouldn't think that doing up a couple of these little beasties would present that big of a problem. I'm not saying it would be a walk-in-the-park, but it should be no more difficult than some of the other thing you have labored to make. Some silver steel ground to shape would make for a good taper reamer.....  I guess it depends on how anxious I would be to get things done weighed against the cost.. hmmmm.  :stir:  Ah Hell, go for it. :happyreader:



Your powers of persuasion got the better of me Tel,  :cheers: so i have ordered some. I may be able to tap the hole in the end to attach a pipe to. At least I will have something to strip down and measure. When they arrive I'll show some more pics. Jim, I'm sure I could make some but looking at them I would need to make  a taper reamer like Jason has said and a form tool to make the ball shape + acquire the materials sooooooooooooo :thinking: :thinking: I'll see.




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