Author Topic: Adaptive or Contour paths on the CNC  (Read 3242 times)

Offline blighty

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Re: Adaptive or Contour paths on the CNC
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2023, 03:30:48 PM »
yes, may as well use Alibre for the drawing if you're paying for it any way.

i was using SW then started on Fusion, so converted all drawing to Fusion. when the "free" change happened i was stuffed.
Fusion are always doing some sort of deal and over three years its not to bad. its due for renewal this October. will see how much they want then.

as for roughing. BULL nose=corner radius cutter. maybe an old term for them like "gauge blocks" or "slips". depending on how old you are :-)

im mod'ing the mill at the mo, did have a MT3 in the spindle, will now have a BT30 spindle. yes it is one of them spindles from over sea's. has the same sort of specks as the Tormach BT30 spindle but 1/3 of the price. Have clocked the nose and there's no runout, if the is its microns. ether way its lees than the MT3 i have on it at the mo.
Down side is have to build/ make a whole new milling head for the spindle. when all put together..... and it works, i'll finale have a tool changer for the mill.....well a manual tool changer. then i wont cheat as much when is comes to tool changes.


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