Engines > From Plans

Farm Boy

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I acquired a small amount of metal from a deceased model engineer most of it was ali as can be seen the large disks were all over 2 1/2" thick(the piece on the left is 4"diameter to give an idea of size) There was also brass and bronze rods all over 1" thick and the shortest 12" up to 24" long. So I looked around for a small project I could use some of it on. Finally decided on the Farm Boy engine.

Cut and squared up some of the ali into blocks so I had a datum to work from.

I also ordered a couple of flywheels.

Because of the Christmas break I needed something simple to get back into the workshop as I had been doing some woodwork and making Christmas present(which were well received) So I turned the pulley as it was not going to be put to work I make that out of a slice of the 4" bar.

Finally down to making a start on the front base so now the serious work begins. A small note in that I will be machining this along side a Rob Roy 0-6-0 locomotive

That's a nice haul of "parts-in-waiting". I'll follow your progress with interest. :ThumbsUp: :popcorn:

Yup, definitely going to follow along!  :ThumbsUp: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Managed some time in the workshop as I have been busy with other things.

Started with a small tidy up before setting up and machining one part of the main frame, thing hopefully will get done now that I have started back again even if it is not this but the Rob Roy.

A little more done to the front body of the farm boy need to round over the top and hollow the centre out next. It is slow but then it is not a race I am just enjoying time in the workshop.


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