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Try also Tubal Caine's "Soldering and Brazing". (The Model Engineer Tubal Caine, Tom Walshaw, not the present YouTube incarnation). It's Number 9 in the Workshop Practice series. Very reasonably priced.
The CuP Alloys book is said to be very good, written by someone who has spent their life in the silver solder businesshttps://www.cupalloys.co.uk/store/A-Guide-To-Brazing-And-Soldering-by-Keith-Hale-p276411652
A final word about reference books. Many people, certainly in the UK, recommend K.N.Harris, Tubal Cain or Alec Farmer but I would suggest that, because they were all written long ago, nowadays they are not much use. The problem is that the materials we are using today are completely different to the ones they were using. If you have stocks of the old solders, then those books will still be relevant but, otherwise, I think you will be wasting your money if you purchase them today.