Engines > From Kits/Castings
My A J Reeves Bolton Triple Expansion Engine
The Castings are a joy to behold!
All the castings -except three which I know about- arrived as promised. Each bag contains sticky parts labels so I don't get confused at a leter date! The detail is excellent: ribs are sharp, minimal flash, and what flash there was has been removed sympathetically. The main block is a peach!
Well chuffed and I can't wait to get on with it.
I'm no castings expert by a long way plus I have only been loking at photos rather than the real thing, but those castings do look to be in a vastly higher league from Reeves than from Stuarts. The very fact they looks so good to you will put you in a good frame of mind and have pleased you from the off. Enjoy the build! I shall watch from a distance.
Those look much better :)
Lets hope Reeves send the missing castings sooner rather than later.
Much better! Swarf time!
Certainly a smoother surface finish and acceptable flash consistent with what I mentioned they had been posting images of on faceboox. It will be interesting to see how the main bed casting measures out as I wonder whether the original patterns were intended for the use of aluminium.
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