Supporting > Additive Machining

3D printing a conrod pattern

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Been a bit more discussion over on ME if you are interested Graham

It will end up a bit like a shell moulding with the two haves bonded or weighted together with no flask around the sand.

A plan? Me? one step forward......!
My prints aren't too bad. There is some distortion but I think I can fix that when I fill them with epoxy. I also printed out some lettering to glue to the cylinder head before casting it. The lettering is 5mm high, as seen from the front, by 1mm thick with a 3 degree draft. Because the lettering is individual letters I had to draw some bars on the back that then made the text a single object, I hope that is clear! The bars are 1/4mm thick and wide. I was hoping to glue the lettering to the head pattern and after the glue had set cut the bars off. This doesn't look as though it will work. It was nice to see such detail though.
I haven't allowed for shrinkage because most of this is experimentation. If I can get it to work properly then I can start thinking about things like shrinkage. The mould will be fed by a sprue at the big end, it locates in the 6mm hole, and vent/rise from the little end. Same size sprue but I will cut a simple pouring basin at the big end before the resin has hardened the sand. The conrod is 90mm end to end and 32mm wide across the big end flanges. The big end is 16mm thick.

I tend to stick a bit of masking tape on the surface to give me a straight line and then pick up the individual letters with a sharp scalple dip into a bit of superglue and then place them.

Another alternative would be to mill a 1mm deep slot with a 6mm cutter and print the letters onto a 1 x 6 strip with rounded ends. This can then be glued into the slot and sanded smooth around the edges.

3mm high individually placed

JasonB. That's some nice lettering there, did you have draft on it?

amazing lettering, sharp and clear!

I once did cast lettering with soup vemicelli alphabet...but we don't have the choice of the font



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