Supporting > Additive Machining
3D printing a conrod pattern
That was a fabrication rather than something to be cast. . They were done with Slaters Letters
The proper pattern makers letters have quite a lot of draft otherwise you end up getting sand stuck in things like the top of an "A"
I've seen the pasta used before, I think it was on a generator frame.
I had the student version of Solidworks for a while. That was very good at positioning lettering on a path and adding draft. I wish I still had it. I now use Designspark.
Alyn Foundry:
Here’s an example of the use of pattern makers letters and numbers. They’re fitted to the underside of our latest creation, the Robinson Oil engine replica.
My technique is to place each letter and use the capillary adapter that comes with certain Super glue products. You can see the pronounced draft angle.
:cheers: Graham.
Did you 3D print the letters? What size are they?
Alyn Foundry:
--- Quote from: A7er on August 26, 2022, 01:22:50 PM ---Did you 3D print the letters? What size are they?
--- End quote ---
No those are die cast in Zinc alloy. Available in many sizes and font’s from innumerable pattern making supply outlets. The ones in the picture are 3/8” size, sharp face Roman. Also available in “ flat face “ too.
:cheers: Graham.
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