Supporting > Additive Machining

My last attempt at print was nearly spot on. Nearly

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I've not tried the water washable stuff. It doesn't have a good press :-(

My latest attempt at printing was a total failure. I used resin settings from watching a few youtubers, that was mistake number one. Mistake number two I didn't see coming. I printed two of the parts directly on the build plate, no supports. They printed perfectly. They are the core moulds for the inlet and exhaust ports. The tract on the CAD drawing is 8mm dia. When I had washed and cured the two parts I could see that the ports didn't look right, they were oval, not round. A check with the calipers showed that they were .2mm undersize in one direction, but .75mm undersize in the other. The .75 is shared between the two parts across the parting line. So even though they printed, they are scrap.
I will try another print tomorrow.

It's well worth running a couple of calibration prints.


Or, the one I prefer.

I have a print running right now. I beefed up the supports to see if that would help. I will check out the calibration links later. I have watched a video about their use. Thanks.

The latest print was almost perfect. There is a small amount of work to do on one of the parts, it was slightly warped, but it bolts to another part to make a core mould so the warp should get pulled out. I have another print running now. It should be finished by 6.30 this evening. A 4h30m print on the resin printer would take nearly double that on the Ender3. I put the same files through Cura and Prusa.


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