Supporting > Additive Machining
My last attempt at print was nearly spot on. Nearly
I downloaded and sliced the Amerilabs test print and printed it on my Mono 4K. It was awfull! My settings must be a mile out. I will change them and try another print. Thanks for the link.
I adjusted my printer settings and tried another Amerilabs print. Much, much better! I have changed the settings just a bit and will try another print tomorrow.
BTW if you are using chitubox , make sure you have the latest version (1.91? Much better than earlier ones) .
What out for the print size compensation adjustments they don't seem to work very well at all.
Scaling in slicer or cad is better.
I couldn't get chitubox to run on my computer, it kept crashing. I can use Lychee which has more features than Prusa or Photon workshop. But I am wary of using something that requires an internet connection to check its "free" licence. I use Prusa then Photon. It seems to work. My last print that I mentioned I was going to do after getting a really good print, wasn't as good, so back to the previous settings. When I am happy with the settings I will re-print one of my earlier attempts to see if it is better. I think it will be.
Without the Amerilabs link I would still be wondering what to do. Thanks for that.
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