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Today, I have been experimenting with the small sample of Jokisch/ Sorotec S3G Monos-Miko lubricant, kindly provided by Jason. The S3G fluid feels in all ways superior to the soluble cutting oil I have been using up to now. So, in future I will be using this fluid along with Achim and Jason.I have a question regarding the quantity (flow rate) to use. Does Sebastian End give any guidelines as to the typical flow rate used for home shop machining (as opposed to heavy industrial machining).I made some test measurement with my peristaltic pump, which appears to be the same type as Sebastian End uses on his MQL system. I am using LinuxCNC as the pulse generator which drives my peristaltic pump's stepper motor. The current LinuxCNC pulse setting, rotates the pump rotor at 2.25 revs per minute, That's twice as fast as I understand Achim to be using. I can change my pulse rate higher or lower as required.At 2.25 revs per minute the pump delivers about 32 tiny droplets per minute. The Sorotec S3G Monos-Miko droplets appear to be smaller (lower surface tension??) than the oil emulsion droplets. but I have not done a direct back to back comparison.At 2.25 revs per minute my peristaltic pump takes approx 12 minutes to deliver 5ml of the Sorotec S3G Monos-Miko. That works out at a delivery rate of approx 25 ml per hour. I have a suspicion the achieved flow rate may be dependent both on the rotor speed and also on the roundness of the silicon feed tube. My feed tube has been in use for over two years, it is noticeable flatter than when new.The big question is whether 25 ml per hour is too much or too little. What are the guidelines? and what do you guys use? Is there any rule of thumb to gauge the minimum quantity lubrication flow rate required? How do I tell if I am providing too much or too little lubricant?CheersMike
One area where the Micro Drop falls short is drilling deep holes, I keep a small squeeze bottle of soluble oil on hand for use while drilling.Dave
Next project for Mike - Through coolant system
I guess what ever works for you guys, but that does seem like an excessive amount of oil to me, ..........Dave